Top 10%: SUL Paper on Social Interaction Demand During COVID-19 Makes Journal of Regional Science List of Top Papers
The SUL paper “Demand for social interactions: Evidence from the restaurant industry during the COVID-19 pandemic”, by Binzhe Wang, Matias Williams, Fábio Duarte and Siqi Zheng, is among the top 10% most downloaded…
‘Think globally, rebuild locally’
SUL researcher Fabio Duarte's paper, "Spatial Optimization of Circular Timber Hubs," published in NPJ Nature Urban Sustainability, has been featured in MIT News…
Driving Change: SUL PhD Student Ashley Vicary Receives Sloan Grant for Public Transportation Research
MIT's Urban Studies and Planning (MITSUL) program is proud to announce that first-year PhD student Ashley Vicary has been awarded a MIT Sloan Latin America Research Grant. Ashley's research focuses on analyzing…

Cross-boundary Air Pollution Paper Accepted to Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (JEEM)
Research outcome from SUL’s Indonesia Wildfire project, “Transboundary Wildfire Smoke and Expressed Sentiment: Evidence from Twitter” will be published in the new issue of JEEM…